Youth for climate solutions | ESC OPEN CALL!
January 26, 2021





| Duration: April – October 2021

Project description:

The project is an upgrade of the content that we have already implemented at KNOF, so that we have proven them successful and contributed to the goals of the European Solidarity Unit and the mission of the organizations involved and it contributes also to a world climate movement of young people which in Slovenia brought together more than 12,000 young people. One of the fundamental features of the project is the political participation of young people in finding climate solutions and the promotion of transition to a green, circular economy and the reduction of planetary pollution. In our organization, volunteers perform a variety of activities that have positive societies and environmental impact. Through the process of finding solutions to environmental challenges, volunteers will gain skills and knowledge from the circular economy and social entrepreneurship, alternative to standard entrepreneurship and mass consumption, and the main causes of climate change. Young people will think globally, but take action locally in a small environment by creating solutions through project participation that will have positive effects directly on the local community.


Project goals:

– to make KNOF users and volunteers aware of the benefits of the principles of the circular economy and social entrepreneurship for the more sustainable development of society and nature, thus reducing the negative effects on the climate,

– expand knowledge of the circular economy and increase the number of circular business models,

– enable individuals, especially young people, to find a job on their own by creating new sustainable business models,

– empower young people as one of the vulnerable groups and other participants with competences, skills, knowledge and courage for entrepreneurship,

– promote selfless and socially responsible thinking and action, volunteering, solidarity and intergenerational cooperation,

– strengthen cooperation with the local community through workshops, events that promote solidarity with the environment,


Our experience:

At KNOF, we have many experience from hosting volunteers from abroad who bring their freshness and ideas “out of the box” into the very foundation of the organization. The main reason we want to host ESE volunteers is that they give us a enough new challenges and just enough encouragement and insight into how the Y generation of Europe is thinking. Volunteers become part of the core team of KNOF, along with them and we build our sustainable community with support organizations. In this way, we strengthen our own capacities and at the same time give volunteers enough space to explore new areas of sustainable development and climate change with us.

KNOF has been hosting volunteers from abroad since 2011. To this day we have hosted 4 groups, a total of 9 volunteers. As a personal project, one of the volunteers created the first re-use store, “Stara šola” which opened its doors in 2011 in a village in Boštanj. Since then, we have opened our fifth Old School store and created more than 70 jobs, of which almost a halt came from the group of vulnerable, socially excluded and hard-to-employ people (long-term unemployed, older than 50, young people without work experience, young people without completed education, disabled people…). Today KNOF has 10 employees and arround 5-10 external coworkers.


KNOF is stationed in town Krško in one of the oldes shopping malls in Slovenia, on 3.000 m2, where we are establishing a Cirular laboratory for circular economy. Krško is located in Posavje region, which has 75.000 population but is divided in 6 small municipalities and most of the region is rural. The volunteers live in Sevnica in a nearby town.

* The call is open for candidates from Poland and Russia, but also other nationalities can apply for future cooperation regarding ESC.


| Trajanje: April – Oktober 2021

Opis projekta Mladi za trajnostne rešitve:

Projekt je nadgradnja vsebin, ki smo jih v Zavodu KNOF že izvajali, ki so se izkazale za uspešne in hkrati prispevajo k ciljem Evropske solidarnostne enote ter poslanstvu vključenih organizacij, hkrati pa odgovor mednarodnega gibanja Mladih za podnebno pravičnost, ki je zajel svet in samo v Sloveniji na ulicah združil več kot 12.000 mladih.
Ena od temeljnih značilnosti projekta je politična participacija mladih pri iskanju podnebnih rešitev ter spodbujanju prehoda v zeleno, krožno gospodarstvo in zmanjševanje onesnaževanja planeta. V naši organizaciji prostovoljci opravljajo različne dejavnosti, ki imajo pozitiven družbeni in okoljski vpliv. Prostovoljci bodo tako preko procesa iskanja rešitev na okoljske izzive pridobili veščine in znanje iz krožnega gospodarstva in socialnega podjetništva, alternative standardnemu podjetništvu in masovnemu potrošništvu, glavnemu vzroku podnebnih sprememb. Mladi bodo razmišljali
globalno, vendar ukrepali lokalno, tako da bodo preko sodelovanja v projektu ustvarjali rešitve, ki bodo imele pozitivne učinke neposredno na lokalno skupnost.

Cilji projekta:

– ozavestiti uporabnike in prostovoljce organizacije KNOF o prednostih načel krožnega gospodarstva in socialnega podjetništva za bolj trajnostni razvoj družbe in narave ter tako zmanjševanje negativnih posledic na podnebje,
– razširiti znanje o krožnem gospodarstvu in povečati število krožnih poslovnih modelov,
– omogočiti posameznikom, predvsem mladim, da si sami iz-najdejo službo preko oblikovanja novih poslovnih modelov,
– opolnomočiti mlade kot eno izmed ranljivih skupin ter druge sodelujoče s kompetencami, veščinami, znanji in pogumom za podjetništvo,
– spodbujati nesebično in družbeno odgovorno mišljenje ter delovanje, prostovoljstvo, solidarnost in medgeneracijsko sodelovanje,
– okrepiti sodelovanje z lokalno skupnostjo preko delavnic, dogodkov, ki promovirajo solidarnostno ravnanje z okoljem,